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Shipping Methods & Transit TimesUpdated 8 months ago

The courier method you select and pay for at checkout is the “transit time”.  This is the estimated time it will take for your package to arrive once it leaves our warehouse.  Most orders ship same day Monday-Friday.  Please refer to "How fast will my order ship" page for more specific details.


While we aim to stay with your original selected courier and transit time, we reserve the right to change the courier or transit time to optimize customer satisfaction.  For example, if we are notified of courier delays, miss the courier for the day, or are given notice of postal strikes, we will select the best shipping method on your behalf.  International orders, time sensitive parcels, natural disasters, multi-box orders, oversized parcels, are examples of times we may change your courier or shipping transit selection.


We reserve the right to decide on shipping partial orders or holding shipment for complete order if not all items are in stock.  You will be offered a refund on unavailable items.  We do not ship partial orders that fall under our 1-3 day shipping standard and/or the estimated ship time displayed on the product page.


We reserve the right to cancel orders where the shipping fees exceed the total dollar value of the items purchased.  For example:  You purchase a $5 item and pay $45 to ship.  WHY DON'T WE SHIP ORDERS IF SHIPPING FEES EXCEED ORDER SUBTOTAL? Occasionally orders end up being returned to us for various reasons such as "incomplete address, Unclaimed at post office, Moved, or Refused".  In this situation, it is our policy to refund the returned items but not the shippping fees as well as any additional shipping fees from the courier.  Couriers often bill us the same shipping fees again for the return.  Because the shipping fees we pay are near identical to what we charge (give or take $1-2), this doesn't allow us to recoop our cost if this was to happen and is frustrating for both parties.  INTERNATIONAL ORDERS are more likely to be cancelled and refunded due to additional risks associated.


When selecting your shipping transit method, please know that once we ship your order, it becomes the responsibility of the courier to deliver your package.  We have little to no ability to stop, redirect, or find your parcel. We will need to work with the courier company to track your order. (see below)  A tracking number is provided with every order we ship.  If your order is not delivered within the delivery time-frame you selected and the courier company has offered a guarantee on the particular shipping method, we will work to recover shipping fees with the courier on your behalf.

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